Winstrol (Stanozolol)
Classification: Anabolic Steroid
Androgenic 30
Anabolic 320
Standard Methyltestosterone
Estrogenic Activity None
Progestational Activity Not Significant
Water Retention: None
Aromatization: None
Hepatotoxicity High
Active Half-life: 8 hours
Recommended Dosage: 20-50mg a day
Winstrol is an oral or injectable steroid that is a weak androgen with a very high anabolic activity. It is mainly used to hold off lean muscle wasting during dieting. Winstrol is not a bulking steroid, and you will not find it in a proper or effective mass gaining stack. Besides lean tissue preservation and fat loss, Winstrol dramatically increases strength and endurance, crucial during cutting phases.
Winstrol does not aromatize and retain water but has a high impact on the liver. That is why a liver support remedy is strongly recommended.
Winstrol Pharmacodynamics
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
SHBG is a hormone responsible for reducing free Testosterone.
Winstrol has the highest affinity for binding to SHBG. Studies show a nearly 50% reduction in SHBG in a couple of days, even at low to moderate dosages.
Result: More free circulating Testosterone in your body-more muscle growth.
Androgen Receptors
Muscle and fat tissues are both androgen-responsive. There is an androgen receptor (AR) in every muscle and fat cell.
Winstrol is an agonist of AR. Its affinity for binding to Androgen Receptors is 22%-25% compared to DHT. That is why Winstrol is used in cutting cycles.
Binding to an androgen receptor in muscle – promotes muscle growth.
Binding to an androgen receptor in fat cells promotes fat burning.
Progesterone Receptors
Winstrol is a progesterone agonist. Its affinity for binding to PR makes it very effective in blocking or stopping the progesterone activity. Winstrol is often used for this purpose with Nandrolone or Oxymetholone.
Winstrol Administration Women
Winstrol is approved for use in women, and it is a top-rated steroid among women. Being a weak androgen at a moderate dosage does not provide risks of virilization.
Recommended dosage range 5-10 mg/day
Recommended cycle length 4-6 weeks
Winstrol Administration Men
Recommended dosage range 20-50 mg/day
Recommended cycle length 4-6 weeks
We do not recommend using Winstrol on its own. Winstrol is usually stacked with other compounds and is commonly used by athletes for cutting cycles due to its excellent ability to retain lean muscle tissue, burn fat, increase strength and endurance. Winstrol is a popular choice for pre-competition preparation.
Most Effective Cycles
Test E and Winstrol
Main Goal : Significant muscle gains and notable fat loss
1 Week 200 mg/week Test E / 20 mg/day Winstrol
2 Week 200 mg/week Test E / 20 mg/day Winstrol
3 Week 200 mg/week Test E / 40 mg/day Winstrol
4 Week 300 mg/week Test E / 40 mg/day Winstrol
5 Week 300 mg/week Test E / 40 mg/day Winstrol
6 Week 300 mg/week Test E / 40 mg/day Winstrol
Nolvadex 40mg/day x 30 days
Test P , Tren A and Winstrol
Main Goal : Dry gains ,cutting and definition
1 Week 100 mg/eod Test P / 100 mg/eod Tren A /40 mg/day Winstrol
2 Week 100 mg/eod Test P / 100 mg/eod Tren A /40 mg/day Winstrol
3 Week 100 mg/eod Test P / 100 mg/eod Tren A /40 mg/day Winstrol
4 Week 100 mg/eod Test P / 100 mg/eod Tren A /40 mg/day Winstrol
5 Week 100 mg/eod Test P / 100 mg/eod Tren A /30 mg/day Winstrol
6 Week 100 mg/eod Test P / 100 mg/eod Tren A /30 mg/day Winstrol
7 Week 100 mg/eod Test P / 100 mg/eod Tren A /30 mg/day Winstrol
8 Week 100 mg/eod Test P / 100 mg/eod Tren A /30 mg/day Winstrol
9 Week-12 Week 50mg/day Clomid
13 Week -15 Week 25 mg/day Clomid
Possible side effects
Winstrol does not aromatize and does not have any estrogenic activity. An anti-estrogen is not necessary when using this compound.
Winstrol has a low androgenic activity. However, a higher than recommended dosage could lead to oily skin, acne and aggravate male hair loss, mainly if you have a genetic predisposition.
Winstrol is hepatotoxic. Ignoring dosage and cycle length recommendations may result in liver
Brand: Apoxar
Substance: Winstrol – Stanozolol