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Triamterene 75mg/100tabs (diuretic) – Canadian Generic

Triamterene is a fast-acting potassium-sparing diuretic. Clinical studies show that this drug starts working in 15-20 minutes after administration and reaches its effectiveness peak in 2-3 hours.

  • It is used in Bodybuilding mainly for fast water excess elimination resulting in a better muscle definition.
  • It is used in powerlifting and combat sports before the weight-in procedure resulting in a favorable category adjustment.

Administration: Recommended dosage 75-150 mg/day
Safety: Higher than recommended dosages could lead to headaches, nausea, low energy levels, and drowsiness. Avoid potassium supplementation or high potassium diet during Triamterene administration.




Hydrochlorothiazide and Triamterene Mixture

Pharmaceutical Classification: Diuretic Blend
Diuretic Type: Thiazide and Potassium-Sparing diuretics Blend
Estrogenic Activity None
Progestational Activity None
Water Retention: None
Aromatization: None
Hepatotoxicity None
Recommended Dosage: 50-100 mg/day

Triamzide General Info

Triamzide was explicitly designed to provide a significant water excretion with a minimum effect on potassium, sodium, calcium, and electrolyte levels.Triamzide is a mixture of a mild and fast acting potassium-sparing diuretic Triamterene and a more potent thiazide diuretic Hydrochlorothiazide.

Triamzide Mixture Components

Potassium-sparing diuretic
Triamterene is a fast-acting potassium-sparing diuretic. Potassium-sparing diuretics are considered the safest diuretics available on the market. Triamterene is an approved medication for edema treatment. Clinical studies show that this drug starts working in 15-20 minutes after administration and reaches its effectiveness peak in 2-3 hours. Triamterene’s diuretic effect lasts for 6-8 hours.

Thiazide Diuretic
Hydrochlorothiazide is a thiazide diuretic that is more potent than Triamterene and a little weaker than Furosemide, which is considered the most powerful and most dangerous diuretic on the market. Hydrochlorothiazide provides exceptional results with lesser effect on potassium, sodium, calcium, and electrolyte levels compared to Furosemide. Hydrochlorothiazide is an approved medication for edema and hypertension treatment.

Triamzide Main Benefits

Triamzide blend provides fast and significant water excess elimination, with lesser side effects compared to loop diuretics.

Triamzide in Combat Sports: boxing and wrestling

Boxers and wrestlers widely use Triamzide before the weight-in procedure for category adjustments. Only diuretic blends such as Triamzide can safely provide a significant drop in body weight, resulting in a drop of a weight category. Since Triamzide formula provides a considerable water elimination without lowering potassium, sodium, calcium, and electrolyte levels, the boxer or a wrestler has plenty of time to rehydrate.

Triamzide in Bodybuilding

Bodybuilders widely use Triamzide before the contest. Once the body fat index is at the lowest possible level, the only thing that can worsen muscle definition is water. Only diuretics are capable of improving the muscle definition before the contest. It is impossible to achieve a highly shredded look of PROs and competing bodybuilders during the contest without diuretics.

Triamzide Administration

Recommended dosage range 50-100 mg/day
Split intake
Do not take on an empty stomach
Recommended cycle length 3-7 days

Triamzide Possible Side Effects

Triamzide overdose and misuse could lead to side effects such as headaches, diarrhea, lethargy, drowsiness, fever, and electrolytes profile imbalance.
Please note
Supplementation of potassium through supplements or a high potassium diet is not recommended while taking Triamzide.

Brand: Pharmacy Grade, Apotex, Cobalt, Sandoz, TEVA

Substance: Triamterene

Dosage and packing: 75 mg/tab (100 tabs)

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