Testosterone Suspension General Description
Testoject – Testosterone Suspension is an anabolic-androgenic drug produced as an aqueous solution of unesterified testosterone (it does not produce ester residue, which is typical of other steroid drugs based on the male hormone). It is mainly used in bodybuilding and strength sports for muscle mass gain and strength performance improvements. The active agent is characterized by its rapid action in the body and a high likelihood of manifesting adverse reactions, especially with regard to painful injections.
Contrary to popular belief that Testosterone Suspension is best used in pre-competitive stages as the active agent is excreted from the body in one day, this approach is not recommended – it is almost impossible to avoid the accumulation of fluid in the muscles during the cycle, which can negatively affect the results of the championship.
The steroid possesses a number of notable pharmacological properties:
- the anabolic index is 100% of testosterone;
- the androgenic action is 100% of testosterone;
- the duration of action in the body is up to 2 days;
- the detection time for traces of steroid metabolites in the body is several weeks (assuming the use of the latest technologies in mass spectrometry and gas chromatography);
- toxic impact on the liver is nonexistent.
Testosterone Suspension is the world’s first anabolic steroid drug and was created in the 1930s. There is no ester in the composition of the drug, which is why 100 mg of the active agent is 100 mg of “pure” testosterone – compare this to enanthate, which delivers only 72 mg of “pure” hormone to the body, while the remaining percentages are allotted to the ester.
Testosterone Suspension Benefits
Regardless of the fact that Apoxar Testosterone Suspension does not differ from other forms of the synthetic male hormone by its basic effect on the body, the steroid possesses certain special features. These include the rapid half-life of the substance and the quick anabolic effect, which can be observed on the very next day after the start of the cycle.
The drug is similar to the short ester of the male hormone called propionate by its anabolic properties, and it produces the following effects:
- muscle mass gain;
- improved strength;
- increased insulin-like growth factor;
- increased sex drive;
- reduced subcutaneous fat deposits;
- increased amount of red blood cells, which improves endurance.
It has been said that the greatest increases are observed in those muscle groups that see the direct injection of the solution. However, this is not the case, otherwise one could observe the asymmetry or local hypertrophy akin to the cases of synthol usage, which look repulsive.
Testosterone Suspension Possible Side Effects
The pharmacokinetic property of the steroid (a rapid increase of the concentration in the bloodstream) guarantees significant positive effects and severe adverse reactions. Testosterone Suspension has a high androgenic index, which leads to acneiform rash, accumulation of excess fluid, gynecomastia.
Aromatase inhibitors are essential for minimizing the adverse reactions during the cycle. These can include Apoxar Proviron, Anastrozole (Apoxar Arimidex) or Letrozole (Apoxar Femara). It’s recommended to start PCT after the cycle using antiestrogens like Apoxar Clomid or Tamoxifen (Apoxar Nolvadex). Post-cycle therapy must be carried out in all cases (sometimes athletes use antiestrogens beginning from the first day of the cycle, but it is best to use aromatase inhibitors during the cycle).
Solo cycle users may begin restoring the body 2 days after the final injection. Toxic effects on the liver function occur only in cases of extremely high dosages. Negative reactions include painful injections (not as pronounced as with Winstrol or propionate). The suspension contains pure testosterone, which leads to potent androgenic and anabolic effects. Using this steroid is strictly contraindicated for female athletes, as undesirable effects like virilization may be too strong to fix with post-cycle therapy.
Testosterone Suspension Administration and Dosage
Apoxar Testosterone Suspension maintains the maximal concentration of the hormone in the bloodstream for 2-3 days, which is why intramuscular injections are made daily. The daily dosage varies at around 50-500 mg. Experienced athletes can use 100 mg per day, separating the dosage into 2 daily injections. Each new injection must be made in a new area to minimize the risk of developing local adverse reactions.
The duration of the cycle shouldn’t exceed 4-5 weeks as the active agent produces an overwhelming effect on the functioning of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis while inhibiting the production of natural testosterone. If the steroid cycle is planned to last for more than 6 weeks, it’s vital to make weekly injections of gonadotropin.
Testosterone Suspension Cycle and Combined Cycles
Apoxar Testosterone Suspension can be combined with water and oil based steroids or vitamin B12 (it can reduce the pain of injections). To eliminate the pain of injections, it’s possible to add lidocaine or novocaine into the syringe.
Testosterone Suspension for muscle mass gain can be combined with Nandrolone, Oxymetholone, Boldenone, Trenbolone and others:
- Testosterone Suspension + Methandrostenolone. Methandrostenolone – 20 mg, Suspension – 50 mg.
- Testosterone Suspension + Nandrolone. Suspension – 50 mg daily, Nandrolone – 200 mg injected weekly. Cycle’s duration – 5 weeks.
- Testosterone Suspension + Equipoise. Equipoise – 400 mg weekly, Suspension – 50 mg weekly. Cycle’s duration – no more than 6 weeks.
Several steroids in the same syringe at once shall not be used regardless of the base, be it oil or water. In any case, PCT and the use of aromatase inhibitors should not be neglected after a combined cycle as AAS actively convert into estrogens and produce gynecomastia.