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Crouching Tiger (Terpene Injection) 150mg/mL | Innovagen

Makes psychedelic experience better and smoother.
Administer 0.5cc 45 minutes before Cannabis or THC.



The “Crouching Tiger” Terpene Injection from Innovagen, with a dosage strength of 150mg/mL, is a specialized product intended to make the effects of cannabis more notable. You can expect to get higher with the same amount of weed, in other terms.

This injection is composed of:

  • Beta-Myrcene at 50mg/mL;
  • Alpha-Phellandrene, also at 50mg/mL;
  • And Beta-Caryophyllene at 50mg/mL.

Administering up to 0.5cc of the solution, either subcutaneously (SC) or intramuscularly (IM), before smoking, is a way to to significantly boost a heavy stoning effect.

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